Agustina Gentili

Agustina Gentili is a Mexico City / Buenos Aires based industrial designer who I am now happy to consider a friend and a contributor to Revés. I’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by so many talented people and she is one of them. Agustina has an ease about her that I’ve found reassuring and inspiring from the start. Getting to know her work instantly triggered a desire in me to somehow collaborate.

For this journal entry, Agustina takes us to her home in Argentina through the eyes of Uki Espona, a Buenos Aires based photographer. Agustina’s apartment is filled with objects and architectural elements of her own design. From a custom aluminum shelving system to the wood and glass partition that separates her bedroom from the rest of the living space, each design points to her simple but modern sensibility. Uki’s photos immediately struck me as intimate and special; of these, my favorites are those nostalgic, saturated images that resulted from an exposed roll of film.

Since starting Revés, I have been interested in developing custom hangers and a rack that represent the spirit of the brand. Since the pants are so wide, a traditional hanger size has never been quite enough when trying to hang them in a traditional manner, folded in two. This struck me as the perfect opportunity to work with Agustina.

¿Dónde creciste? Where did you grow up?

Crecí en Misiones, el norte de Argentina, el bracito lindante con Paraguay y Brasil.

Crecí rodeada de naturaleza abundante y desafiante. Muchísimos ríos, arroyos y saltos. Muchísimo monte, plantas creciendo en lugares imposibles. Insectos, serpientes y animales siempre y por todos lados.

Crecí escuchando los sonidos preciosos del guaraní, el cantó del portugués y el humor en alemán.

I grew up in Misiones, the north of Argentina, the bordering arm of Paraguay and Brazil.

I grew up surrounded by abundant and challenging nature. Many rivers, streams and waterfalls. A lot of forest, plants growing in impossible places. Insects, snakes and animals always and everywhere.

I grew up listening to the beautiful sounds of the Guarani, the cantó of the Portuguese and the humor in German.

¿Qué te trajo a la Ciudad de México? What brought you to Mexico City?

Me trajeron las ganas y la curiosidad. Acá me encontré con más de lo que imaginaba, una ciudad imposible de describir, hermosa e inspiradora. Amigos hermosos, música siempre, pasarla bien antes que nada, charlas y muchas charlas.

Desire and curiosity. Here I found more than I imagined, a city impossible to describe, beautiful and inspiring. Beautiful friends, ongoing music, having a good time first of all, talks and lots of talks.

Qué objeto, mueble o espacio has querido diseñar pero no lo has hecho?  What object, furniture or space have you been wanting to design but haven’t yet? 

Una silla MUY cómoda. 

Un parque o plaza y todos sus elementos.

Algún mini mini lugar, o algo también enorme.

Un puestito de la calle. 

Unas buenas crocs.

A VERY comfortable chair.

A park or plaza and all its elements.

A mini mini place, or also something big.

A stand in the street.

A good pair of crocs.

Qué consideras primero: forma, material o funcionalidad? What do you consider first: form, material or functionality?

A veces comienzo con el material, pensando cómo va a ser su forma, pero siempre como condición su uso. Otras veces empiezo con su funcionalidad. Luego pienso su forma en relación al espacio y con esto su materialidad sale por descarte. Pero otras veces comienzo pensando en su forma, son pocas. La materialidad sale en simultáneo y tal vez su función no me es tan importante.

Sometimes I start with the material, thinking about how its shape will be, but always as a condition of its use. Other times I start with its functionality. Then I think of its form in relation to space and with this its materiality is discarded. But other times I start thinking about its shape, they are few. The materiality comes out simultaneously and perhaps its function is not so important to me.

Que parte de tu proceso de diseño disfrutas más? Which part of your design process do you enjoy the most?

Un poco sufro el proceso. Pero comenzar me gusta mucho, pensar las posibilidades, donde todavía las limitaciones no están presentes.

Disfruto mucho terminar también. Y disfruto muchísimo ver algo ya terminado con algunos años encima. Ver los proyectos con perspectiva es muy lindo.

I suffer a little from the process. But I really like to start, thinking about the possibilities, where the limitations are not yet present.

I really enjoy finishing too. And I really enjoy seeing something already finished with a few years on it. Seeing the projects with perspective is very nice.

En dónde buscas inspiración? Where do you seek inspiration?

En las caminatas, sobre todo en la Ciudad de México,; aunque Buenos Aires me inspira mucho también. Pero es sobre todo caminando, mirando, oliendo, encontrando. Es ahí donde se me ocurren las ideas y las soluciones.

On walks, especially in Mexico City; although Buenos Aires inspires me a lot too. But it is above all walking, looking, smelling, finding. That's where I come up with ideas and solutions.

Tienes un proyecto favorito? Do you have a favorite project?

Hay muchos que les tengo muchísimo cariño. Sobre todo los que son para amigos que veo que los usan y disfrutan. Eso me alegra mucho.

There are many that I am very fond of. Especially those that are for friends that I see who use and enjoy them. That makes me very happy.

Cómo pasas tus días? How do you spend your days?

Mis días los paso lo mejor que puedo. Intento comenzarlos con una caminata, los sigo con un mate y ahí comienzo a trabajar. Intento terminar temprano, darle tiempo a los amigos, a la lectura, y a cocinar.

I spend my days the best I can. I try to start them with a walk, I follow them with a mate and then I start working. I try to finish early, give time to friends, reading, and cooking.

Cómo te recargas? How do you recharge?

Riéndome lo más que se pueda. 

Laughing as much as I can.

I suffer a little from the process. But I really like to start, thinking about the possibilities, where the limitations are not yet present.

I really enjoy finishing too. And I really enjoy seeing something already finished with a few years on it. Seeing the projects with perspective is very nice.

1 Algo que amas de Argentina / Something (you love) from Argentina

El frio en los cachetes.

The cold in the cheeks.

2 Algo que amas de México / Something (you love) from Mexico

Los mini banquitos que se encuentran en las banquetas. / The mini stools that you find on the sidewalks.

3 Qué estás usando? / What are you wearing?

Mis pantalones Revés 002 en hueso. / My Revés 002 bone pants.

4 Rutina o espontaneidad? / Routine or spontaneity?

Rutina. Routine.

5 Desayuno o cena? / Breakfast or dinner?

Desayuno – huevos, aguacate y nopales. / Breakfast – Eggs, avocado and cactus paddles.

6 Tres palabras que describen tu trabajo / Three words that describe your work

Sencillo, Lindo, austero. / Simple, nice, austere.

7 Material favorito / Favorite material


8  Qué modelo de Revés usas? / Which Revés model do you wear? 

Modelo 002, los que son como pantalones de gaucho. / Model 002, the ones that are like “gaucho” pants.

9. Favorite place in your neighborhood.


10. On-repeat song at the moment

BM y Phontana – M.A (mejores amigos)

Mis días los paso lo mejor que puedo. Intento comenzarlos con una caminata, los sigo con un mate y ahí comienzo a trabajar. Intento terminar temprano, darle tiempo a los amigos, a la lectura, y a cocinar.

I spend my days the best I can. I try to start them with a walk, I follow them with a mate and then I start working. I try to finish early, give time to friends, reading, and cooking.

Cómo te recargas? How do you recharge?

Riéndome lo más que se pueda. 

Laughing as much as I can.

I suffer a little from the process. But I really like to start, thinking about the possibilities, where the limitations are not yet present.

I really enjoy finishing too. And I really enjoy seeing something already finished with a few years on it. Seeing the projects with perspective is very nice.